1What is a personal injury attorney?
A personal injury attorney is a lawyer that can help you protect yourself and your rights after you have been seriously injured in any type of accident, such as a car accident, injured by a defective product, injured in a slip and fall or trip and fall, injured in a workplace accident, or any other time you have been injured due to the fault or negligence of a company or person.

A personal injury attorney can help you get maximum money compensation for your injuries, and also compensation to cover your medical bills and lost time and money from work. An injury lawyer will also help you find quality medical treatment that is conveniently located and available right away.

A personal injury lawyer will also discuss the accident, and advise you about your rights and options, so that you are fully protected. After someone is hurt, there are medical bills from hospitals and ambulance companies that need to be paid, and there are insurance companies that are trying to contact you about the accident. A personal injury lawyer will help you navigate these issues so that you can focus on what is most important - your health and your recovery from your injuries.
2When should I get a personal injury attorney?
If you have been injured in an accident through the fault of another person or a company, you should call a personal injury attorney. This could be a car accident, slip and fall, defective product, workplace accident, truck accident, pedestrian accident, or any other type of injury or accident.
3What does a personal injury attorney do?
The aftermath of an accident can be confusing and difficult and complicated. The other parties are often uncooperative and the insurance company is only interested in paying out as little as possible. A personal injury attorney will handle the following so that you can focus on your health and recover from your injuries:

- investigate the accident by obtaining police reports, incident reports and witness statements
- Determine and find all responsible parties so that you get maximum money compensation
- File all necessary paperwork necessary for the insurance claim and negotiate with the insurance company representatives
- If a claim cannot be resolved with the insurance company, your lawyer will file a lawsuit on your behalf and represent you in court
- Will find you quality and convenient medical care
- Will negotiate with your medical provider so you can get your bills paid
4How long after my accident do I have to sue?
You should contact a personal injury attorney right away after you have been hurt to make sure your rights are fully protected. In California, you usually have two years to file a lawsuit for personal injuries, however there are many exceptions to this rule and only a consultation with a personal injury lawyer can determine how long you actually have - it could be as short ast 6 months!

It is very important to open a claim with the insurance company and start investigating the incident right away, and failing to do so can severely impact the value of your case.
5When to get an attorney for a car accident?
You should speak to a personal injury lawyer any time you are injured, or worried you may have suffered injuries, in a car accident and:

- Someone else caused the accident
- You are a passenger in a car involved in the accident
- You are in an uber, lyft or other rideshare that is involved in an accident
- You are not sure who caused the accident
- You are pedestrian or bicyclist hit by a car
6How much can I get for a personal injury lawsuit?
How much you recieve for your case depends on how serious your injuries are and how much medical treatment you need. It could also depend on how much insurance is available, for example whether the driver of the other car has a large or small insurance policy. Every case is different and that is why the best thing you can do to protect your rights is to speak to a personal injury lawyer right away.

At our office, our goal is to obtain a fair settlement that will cover all of your medical treatment, lost wages, the costs of the case, and also put money in your pocket to cover the pain, suffering and inconvenience caused by the accident.
7How long does it take to settle a personal injury lawsuit?
The answer to this question is that it's different for every case. Some cases can be settled within just a few months. Other cases can take 18 months or more. There are a lot of factors that weigh in as to how long a personal injury case can take, and the best way to understand the process, and how long a particular case might take, is to speak to a personal injury attorney.

Some of these factors include:

- How long your medical treatment lasts
- How strong is the evidence for fault